Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Why does the Chinese Communist government wildly persecute, suppress and crack down on Almighty God and the Church of Almighty God?

Why does the Chinese Communist government wildly persecute, suppress and crack down on Almighty God and the Church of Almighty God?

    Bible Verses for Reference:
    “This is an evil generation” (Luk 11:29).
    “The whole world lies in wickedness” (1Jn 5:19).

   “How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also on the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isa 14:12-14).
  “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. … And when the dragon saw that he was cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child” (Rev 12:7-9, 13).
Relevant Words of God:

These are the facts: When the earth did not yet exist, the archangel was the greatest of heaven’s angels. It had jurisdiction over all the angels in heaven; this was the authority that God granted it. With the exception of God, it was the greatest of heaven’s angels. When God later created humanity, the archangel carried out a greater betrayal toward God upon the earth. I say it betrayed God because it wanted to manage humanity and to surpass God’s authority. It was the archangel that tempted Eve into sin; it did so because it wished to establish its kingdom upon earth and to make humanity betray God and obey it instead. … The archangel thus desired to surpass God’s authority and to betray God. Later on it led many angels to betray God, which then became various unclean spirits.
from “You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

 A battle is fought along these lines in the realm of the spirit: It is the vain hope of Satan to corrupt mankind to a certain degree, make the world foul and evil, and so drag man down into the mire and destroy God’s plan.
from “Interpretation of the Fifth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

  All this time Satan has been working on man, in the vain hope of swallowing up humanity and thereby causing God to destroy the world and lose His witness.
from “Interpretation of the Sixth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

  God works, God cares for a person, looks upon a person, and Satan dogs His every step. Whoever God favors, Satan also watches, trailing along behind. If God wants this person, Satan would do everything in its power to obstruct God, using various evil ways to tempt, harass and wreck the work God does in order to achieve its hidden objective. What is its objective? It does not want God to have anyone; it wants all those that God wants, to possess them, control them, to take charge of them so they worship it, so they commit evil acts alongside it. Is this not Satan’s sinister motive? … Satan is at war with God, trailing along behind Him. Its objective is to demolish all the work God wants to do, to possess and control those whom God wants, to completely extinguish those whom God wants. If they are not extinguished, then they come to Satan’s possession to be used by it—this is its objective.
from “God Himself, the Unique IV” in Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

 The manifestations of the great red dragon are resistance to Me, lack of understanding and comprehension of the meanings of My words, frequent persecution of Me, and seeking to use schemes to interrupt My management. … The great red dragon I speak of is not a big red dragon; rather it is the evil spirit in opposition to Me, for which the “great red dragon” is a synonym.
from Utterances and Testimonies of Christ in the Beginning

  It long ago planted the seed of the tumor of atheism within the young heart of man, teaching man fallacies such as “learn of science and technology, realize the Four Modernizations, there is no God in the world.” Not only that, it repeatedly proclaimed, “Let us build a beautiful homeland through our industrious labor,” asking all to be prepared from childhood to serve their country. Man was unconsciously brought before it, and it unhesitatingly took the credit (referring to God holding all of mankind in His hands). Never once did it feel ashamed or have a sense of shame. Moreover, it shamelessly captured God’s people into its house, while it leaped like a mouse onto the table and had man worship it as God. Such a desperado it is! It cries out such shocking scandals, “There is no God in the world. The wind is due to natural laws; the rain is moisture that condenses and falls in drops to the earth; an earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the earth due to geological changes; drought is due to dryness in the air caused by nucleonic disruption on the sun’s surface. These are natural phenomenon. Which part is an act of God?” It even shouts out[a] such shameless statements: “Man evolved from ancient apes, and the world today has progressed from a primitive society of approximately a billion years ago. Whether a country flourishes or falls is decided by the hands of its people.” In the back, it has man hang it upside down on the walls and place it on tables to be enshrined and worshiped. While it cries out, “There is no God,” it regards itself as God, pushing God out of bounds of the earth relentlessly. It stands in God’s place and acts as the king of devils. How utterly ludicrous! It causes one to be consumed by a poisonous hatred. It seems that God is its sworn enemy and God is irreconcilable with it. It schemes to chase God away while it remains unpunished and at large.[1] Such a king of devils it is! How could we tolerate its existence? It will not rest until it has disturbed the work of God and left it in tatters and a complete shambles,[2] as if it wants to oppose God until the end, until either the fish dies or the net breaks. It deliberately opposes God and moves ever closer. Its odious face has long ago been completely unmasked and is now bruised and battered,[3] in a terrible plight, yet it does not relent in its hatred of God, as if it wishes it could devour God entirely at one mouthful to relieve the hatred in its heart.
from “Work and Entry (7)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

 From top to bottom and beginning to end, it has been disturbing the work of God and acting in discord with Him. All the talk of ancient cultural heritage, valuable knowledge of ancient culture, teachings of Taoism and Confucianism, and Confucian classics and feudal rites has taken man into hell. Advanced modern-day science and technology, as well as developed industry, agriculture, and business are nowhere to be seen. Rather, it simply emphasizes the feudal rites propagated by the ancient “apes” to deliberately disrupt, oppose, and destroy the work of God. Not only has it afflicted man until this day, but it wants to consume[4] man completely. The teaching of the feudal code of ethics and passing down of knowledge of ancient culture has long infected man and turned man into devils big and small. There are but few who would readily receive God and jubilantly welcome the coming of God. Man’s face is filled with murder, and in all places, death is in the air. They seek to cast God out from this land; with knives and swords in hand, they arrange themselves in battle formation to annihilate God. Idols are spread across the land of the devil where man is constantly taught there is no God. Above this land permeates a nauseating odor of burning paper and incense, so thick that it is suffocating. It seems to be the smell of sludge that wafts up when the serpent twists and coils, and is enough that man cannot help but vomit. Besides, there can faintly be heard evil demons chanting scriptures. This sound seems to be coming from faraway in hell, and man cannot help but feel a chill down his spine. Across this land are scattered idols, with all colors of the rainbow, which turn the land into a dazzling world, and the king of devils keeps a smirk on its face, as if its evil plot has succeeded. Meanwhile, man is completely unaware of it, nor does man know that the devil has already corrupted him to such degree that he has become senseless and defeated. It wishes to wipe out God’s all in one blow, to again insult and assassinate Him, and attempts to tear down and disturb His work. How could it allow God to be of equal status? How can it tolerate God “interfering” with its work among men on earth? How can it allow God to unmask its odious face? How can it allow God to disrupt its work? How could this devil, fuming with rage, allow God to govern its court of power on earth? How could it willingly admit defeat? Its odious countenance has been revealed for what it is, hence one finds himself not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and it is truly difficult to speak of. Is this not its essence?
from “Work and Entry (7)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

 For thousands of years this has been the land of filth, it is unbearably dirty, misery abounds, ghosts roam its every corner, tricking and deceiving, making groundless accusations,[5] being ruthless and vicious, trampling this ghost town and leaving it littered with dead bodies; the stench of decay covers the land and pervades the air, and it is heavily guarded.[6] Who can see the world beyond the skies? The devil tightly trusses all of man’s body, it puts out both his eyes, and seals his lips firmly shut. The king of devils has rampaged for several thousand years, right up until today, when it still keeps a close watch on the ghost town, as if it were an impenetrable palace of demons; this pack of watchdogs, meanwhile, stare with glaring eyes, deeply fearful that God will catch them unawares and wipe them all out, leaving them without a place of peace and happiness. … Small wonder, then, that God incarnate remains completely hidden: In a dark society such as this, where the demons are merciless and inhumane, how could the king of devils, who kills people in the blink of an eye, tolerate the existence of a God who is lovely, kind, and also holy? How could it applaud and cheer the arrival of God? These lackeys! They repay kindness with hate, they have long since disdained God, they abuse God, they are savage in the extreme, they have not the slightest regard for God, they plunder and pillage, they have lost all conscience, and have not a trace of kindness…. Religious freedom? The legitimate rights and interests of citizens? They are all tricks for covering up sin! … Why put up such an impenetrable obstacle to the work of God? Why employ various tricks to deceive God’s folk? Where is the true freedom and legitimate rights and interests? Where is the fairness? Where is the comfort? Where is the warmth? Why use deceitful schemes to trick God’s people? Why use force to suppress the coming of God? Why not allow God to freely roam upon the earth that He created? Why hound God until He has nowhere to rest His head? Where is the warmth among men? Where is the welcome among people? Why cause such desperate yearning in God? Why make God call out again and again? Why force God to worry for His beloved Son? Why does this dark society and its sorry guard dogs not allow God to freely come and go among the world which He created?
from “Work and Entry (8)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Satan wins its fame through deceiving the public. It often establishes itself as a vanguard and role model of righteousness. Under the banner of safeguarding righteousness, it harms man, devours their souls, and uses all sorts of means to benumb, deceive and incite man. Its goal is to make man approve of and follow along with its evil conduct, to make man join it in opposing God’s authority and sovereignty. However, when one grows wise to its schemes, plotting and vile features and does not wish to continue to be trampled upon and fooled by it or to continue slaving away for it, or to be punished and destroyed together with it, Satan changes its previously saintly features and tears off its false mask to reveal its true evil, vicious, ugly and savage face. It would love nothing more than to exterminate all those who refuse to follow it and those who oppose its evil forces. At this point Satan can no longer assume a trustworthy, gentlemanly appearance; instead, its true ugly and devilish features under the sheep’s clothing are revealed. Once Satan’s schemes are brought to light, once its true features are exposed, it will fly into a rage and expose its barbarity; its desire to harm and devour people will only be intensified. This is because it is enraged by man’s awakening; it develops a strong vindictiveness toward man for their aspiration to yearn for freedom and light and to break free of its prison. Its rage is intended to defend its evil, and it is also a true revelation of its savage nature.
 … The reason why Satan is exasperated and furious is thus: Its unspeakable schemes have been exposed; its plots are not easily gotten away with; its wild ambition and desire to replace God and act as God have been struck and blocked; its goal of controlling all of humanity has now come to nothing and can never be achieved.
from “God Himself, the Unique II” in Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

Know more: gospel movies , The Second Coming of Lord Jesus , salvation of the last days

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