Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

A Wandering Heart Comes Home

A Wandering Heart Comes Home

Novo, Philippines

My name is Novo, and I’m Filipino. I have followed my mom in her belief in God since I was little, and would go listen to sermons at church together with my siblings. Although I had believed in the Lord for many years, I felt that I had not changed, and that I was the same as an unbeliever, in my heart thinking all day about how to make more money, and about how to spend my days in comfort and enjoy the good life. Furthermore, I also often went drinking with my friends, and the moment I had any spare cash I’d go gambling. I knew that doing these things was at odds with the Lord’s will, I would often pray to the Lord and confess my sins, and I would make firm my resolution to Him that I would give up these bad habits and never sin again from that day on. But with the cajoling and enticement of my friends, I simply couldn’t control myself. And so it was that I became more and more degenerate, my heart got farther and farther away from God, there was no longer any sincerity when I prayed to the Lord, and every week I would just say a few simple prayers, and do it in a slipshod way. Sometimes I would even feel such despair, as I knew that when the Lord returned He would judge each and every person based on their actions and behavior, and then decide for each person whether they would go up to heaven or down to hell. I felt I was so degenerate that God would not forgive me again. Afterward, I married and had kids. All I thought about was my wife and my children. When it came to my faith, I pushed it to the back of my mind. In order to provide a better future for my children and to achieve my desires to become rich, I decided to go work abroad. And so I came to Taiwan. After I found a job and made some money, I’d still not changed the way I used to live my life, and in my leisure time I would go with my workmates to drink and sing karaoke, living a life of revelry; I’d long since put my belief in God to the back of my mind.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Best Christian Movie | "Stay Out of My Business" | The Spiritual Awakening of Christians

Best Christian Movie | "Stay Out of My Business" | The Spiritual Awakening of Christians

Li Qingxin is a preacher in a house church in China who has been faithful to the Lord for many years. Always she enthusiastically does the Lord's work of spreading the gospel, vigilantly awaiting the Lord's coming to bring her up to the heavenly kingdom. In recent years, Li Qingxin has seen that assorted sects and churches have become ever more desolate. Eastern Lightning, however, has become ever more vibrant, despite frenzied condemnation and persecution by the Chinese Communist government and religious circles. More and more good sheep and leading sheep of various denominations and sects have accepted Eastern Lightning. This causes Li Qingxin to do some introspection. In particular, she has seen that pastors and elders of religious circles don't hesitate to fabricate assorted rumors and nonsense to condemn and blacken the name of The Church of Almighty God.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

God’s Attitude Toward Sinners

God’s Attitude Toward Sinners

Wang Yan

The last days are here, the prophecies in the Bible have basically all been fulfilled, and brothers and sisters all look forward to the Lord coming to receive us into the kingdom of heaven. But many brothers and sisters in the Lord are asking: Although we go to church every week to give worship, and we often read the Bible and we expend ourselves and work for the Lord, we are always committing sins in the daytime and then confessing in the evening, living in this vicious spiral, and we can never free ourselves from the bonds of sin. If things carry on this way, will the Lord really forgive us, and receive us into the kingdom of heaven? How exactly does the Lord treat sinners?

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Transformation of a Fallen Man

The Transformation of a Fallen Man

Tong Xin Fujian Province

I was born in the countryside. I came from a line of humble farmers and on top of that our family was few in number, so we were often bullied. When I was 13 years old, there was a child beaten by someone from outside of our village. The villagers falsely accused my father of instigating it and they said they were going to search our house and confiscate our property, take away our pigs and even beat my father. There was also a time when another villager took our fishing net and kept it as his own. When my father went to get it back, the villager actually hit my father, relying on his own power and influence. My father had to just eat humble pie as he knew that he had neither money nor power. My mother told my brothers and me that we must fight for ourselves in the future, and never live a life of oppression like this. Being young and detesting the injustice in society, I was determined that in the future I would stand out from the crowd and earn their respect, and never be oppressed. So I studied very hard, but I wasn’t smart enough and I couldn’t get into any universities, so I chose to pursue development in the army and joined easily by going through connections.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

An Arrogant Believer’s Process of Transformation

An Arrogant Believer’s Process of Transformation

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,God's Words
An Arrogant Believer’s Process of Transformation
Under God’s care and protection, my illness gradually improved. Even though I wasn’t able to speak clearly, I could ride a bicycle and do a little bit of work in general affairs. However, because my arrogant nature was too deeply entrenched, God once again arranged for new people and things to judge me and change me. One day, the church leader arranged for me to take on hosting duties. After hearing this I felt very unwilling to do it. I believed that acting as a host was a waste of my abilities, but I also couldn’t refuse, so I grudgingly agreed. While I was hosting, some brothers and sisters were meeting at my house and had me watch the door to safeguard our surroundings. Once again my inner thoughts arose: Just acting as a host, keeping an eye on the door—what will I get out of this? I thought back to the past. When I stood behind the pulpit I was so haughty, but in my duty today I didn’t have any face or any status. My rank was so low! So after a period of time, my internal resistance became greater and greater, I felt more and more wronged, and I was no longer willing to fulfill that duty.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

An Arrogant Believer’s Process of Transformation

An Arrogant Believer’s Process of Transformation

Zhang Yitao Henan Province

“God, Your work is so practical, so full of righteousness and holiness. You have been patiently working for so long, all for us. In the past, I believed in God but I didn’t have a human manner. I disobeyed You and hurt Your heart without knowing. I am full of shame and regret and am indebted to You. Only now do I realize this. … Without Your harsh judgment, I wouldn’t have today, and facing Your genuine love I am grateful and indebted to You. It was Your work that saved me and caused my disposition to change. Without sorrow and pain, my heart is full of happiness” (“Oh God, the Love You Have Given Me Is Too Great” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs). Every time I sing this song, I think of God’s salvation for me through all these years, and I am full of gratitude for Him. It was God’s judgment and chastisement that changed me. It made me—an arrogant, ambitious, rebellious son—appear a bit more like a human being. I sincerely give thanks for God’s salvation of me!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

English Christian Movie "On a Mission" | The Love of God Is With Me on the Way of the Cross


English Christian Movie "On a Mission" | The Love of God Is With Me on the Way of the Cross

Christian Chen Yixin has believed in the Lord for many years, and has been fortunate enough to welcome the Lord Jesus' return in the last daysAlmighty God! She came to understand God's urgent will to save mankind from Almighty God's words as well as the mission and responsibility a created being should undertake, so she began sharing the gospel and bearing witness to God's work in the last days. While doing this she travels to many cities and provinces and suffers suppression and rejection from religious circles over and over as well as pursuit and persecution by the CCP government. She endures a lot of suffering. However, under the guidance of God's words, she remains on her mission, unafraid of danger, courageously going forward …

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The True Reason for Ineffective Work

The True Reason for Ineffective Work

Xinyi Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province

In my recent visits to the churches, I often heard leaders and workers say that some people, after attending fellowship with me, became negative, weak and lacked motivation to continue seeking. Others felt it too challenging to believe in God and misunderstood God. Some said that their condition was fine before they met with me, but as soon as they saw me, they felt tremendously pressured and uncomfortable. … When I heard all this, my heart sank, and I felt terribly wronged—every time I came to have fellowship with them I would stay for a number of days, and, in order to solve their problems, I fanned through and cited countless passages of the word of God, talking until my mouth was dry, and all the while thinking that my efforts had yielded good results. I never imagined that things would turn out like this. Why did this happen? I held this question in my thoughts as I prayed to God, “Oh God, I am surely at fault for all that has happened, but I don’t know where I went wrong. I ask for Your guidance, so that I may become more aware of my faults. I am willing to wait to receive Your enlightenment.”

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,The Church
The True Reason for Ineffective Work

Monday, October 1, 2018

Christian Variety Show "Eyes Everywhere" (2018 Crosstalk)

Christian Variety Show "Eyes Everywhere" (2018 Crosstalk)


    The crosstalk Eyes Everywhere describes how the Chinese Communist Party attempts to banish religion through using large-scale searches across the country, as well as turning people from every class and walk of life into eyes to investigate, monitor, and surveil Christians. Through a humorous, vivid performance, this comedy duo shows us all the despicable methods and detestable intentions with which the CCP arrests Christians, and at the same time shows us how Christians rely on God to avoid one pair of eyes after another, spread the gospel, and testify God.

Recommendation : If the Eastern Lightning is the true way, why has the CCP government consistently engaged in frantic oppression, arrests, and persecution against the Eastern Lightning?

Friday, September 21, 2018

Almighty God’s Work Has Caused Us to Walk the Same Path as Husband and Wife

Almighty God’s Work Has Caused Us to Walk the Same Path as Husband and Wife

Liu Xue, Henan Province

In 1991, since we were enduring the hardships of family conflict, my husband and I believed in the Lord Jesus together. From then on, we no longer quarreled. We read the Bible and attended gatherings together very zealously. Not long afterward, my husband left the Three-Self Church and switched over to the Stream of Recovery. In regards to the matter of my husband switching denominations, I did not mind. I believed that as long as we believed in one God, it did not matter which denomination we belonged to.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Why Does the CCP So Frantically Suppress and Cruelly Persecute the Church of Almighty God?

Why Does the CCP So Frantically Suppress and Cruelly Persecute the Church of Almighty God?

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,God's Work
Why Does the CCP So Frantically Suppress and Cruelly Persecute the Church of Almighty God?
On May 28, 2014, the CCP utilized a group of psychotic people to meticulously fabricate the “Shandong Zhaoyuan Murder Case,” and used every large media outlet to wantonly spread propaganda and gain influence, framing and placing the blame on the Church of Almighty God, and publicly declaring it as an “evil cult organization.” They went even as far as to shout wildly: “If the battle is not finished, the troops will not be withdrawn!” Immediately following, the CCP’s Central Leading Group on Dealing With Heretical Religions (The 610 Office) convened a video and phone conference call of the whole country on June 16 to launch the special operation of the “Hundred Days Battle” to quell the Church of Almighty God within the scope of the whole country, regarding the issue of the suppression of the Church of Almighty God as a political mission of “utmost urgency, arduous labor and great importance.” Soon after that, they labeled the Church of Almighty God as an “evil cult organization” and added it to the legal regulations, and sent down a document to every province and city, to attack the Church of Almighty God with a heavy fist. They adopted the tyrannical policies of “lock up one group, kill one group.” The central authorities also transferred tens of millions in funding to offer rewards to units and individuals of outstanding performance as well as the masses for informing on members. They mobilized the masses to inform on and expose Christians of the Church of Almighty God, and induced the populace to rise up in a “people’s war” to lay siege to the Church of Almighty God and religious churches. In August, the evil party of the CCP, with absolute audacity and complete lack of scruple, initiated large-scale mobilization of armed police and regular troops to carry out total seizure, encirclement, and annihilation of Christians of the Church of Almighty God and other household churches.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

I Welcomed the Return of the Lord (Audio Essay)

I Welcomed the Return of the Lord (Audio Essay)

Qingxin, Myanmar

My parents are both Christians and from an early age I started going with them to church to attend services. At the age of 12 I attended a grand Christian camp in Myanmar, and while I was there a pastor told me: “The only way to avoid death and enter the kingdom of heaven is to be baptized.” And so in order to enter the kingdom of heaven I decided to get baptized while I was at the camp. From that time on, I became a genuine Christian.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

When the Lord Jesus Knocks at the Door, How Will We Answer

When the Lord Jesus Knocks at the Door, How Will We Answer

Xiao Fei

     After I entered belief in the Lord, the brothers and sisters liked to sing a hymn called “The Good Man Is Knocking at the Door” which goes: “The good man is knocking at the door, His hair wet with dew; let us quickly rise and open the door, and not let the good man turn around and leave. …” Every time we sang this hymn, our hearts were deeply moved and stirred. We all want to ask the good man to stay the night, so when the good man comes and knocks at the door we will welcome the Lord the first time we hear the good man’s voice. It can be said that all of us who believe in the Lord have such a hope. But when the Lord comes, how will He knock? When the Lord knocks, what should we do to make sure we are welcoming Him as the Lord? This is something people who believe in the Lord should think about.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

In the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, Do You Know What God’s Hidden Intention Is?

In the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, Do You Know What God’s Hidden Intention Is?


One evening, as I sat at my desk after praying to God, I read the parable told by Jesus in Matthew 20:1-16, where the kingdom of heaven is likened to a landowner hiring workers for his vineyard, and it didn’t matter whether they went first thing in the morning or if it was in the noon or the afternoon that they went into the vineyard, their wages were all the same. When the workers who came first learned of this, they grumbled against the landowner, but the landowner replied by saying: “Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own? Is your eye evil, because I am good? So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen” (Mat 20:15-16). After reading these several lines of scripture from the Bible I knitted my brows and could not help but think: “It is reasonable to say that those who practice their faith in God for a long time, who forsake more and expend themselves more for the Lord and who toil and work for more years ought to be rewarded with more than those who come later, but in Scripture it says that the wages are the same for those who come early and those who come late, isn’t this God intentionally showing favoritism for those who come later?” I felt that I really didn’t understand these words, I didn’t understand what the Lord’s intention was in saying these words.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

God’s Word Led Me to Forge Testimony

God’s Word Led Me to Forge Testimony

Xiao Min Shandong Province

      I was born in a poor and backward village, and lived in poverty from childhood. After I got married, to make my little life become rich as soon as possible, I worked and labored like crazy. In the end, I fell sick from overwork. The previously healthy me got many illnesses. Since then, I lived in the affliction of illnesses and began to see doctors and seek remedies everywhere. I spent a lot of money, but my illnesses never got better. In the spring of 1999, two sisters preached Almighty God’s end-time work to me. Through reading Almighty God’s word, I knew that Almighty God is the returned Savior Jesus and He can save man from all the miseries. As I read more and more of God’s words, I understood some truths, my outlook on life and my values changed somewhat, and my distressed and oppressed heart was released. Gradually, I recovered from my illnesses. I was deeply grateful to God, so I preached the gospel to testify God’s end-time work actively.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Gospel Movie Clip "Knocking at the Door" (2) - What Mistakes Are Most Easily Made in Welcoming the Lord?

Gospel Movie Clip "Knocking at the Door" (2) - What Mistakes Are Most Easily Made in Welcoming the Lord?


Many people of faith in religious circles believe what the pastors and elders say, "All of God's words and work are in the Bible. It would be impossible for any of God's words to appear outside of the Bible." Is there a biblical foundation for this claim, though? Did Lord Jesus say these words? In Revelation, it is prophesied many times, "He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." The words of the Lord say it so clearly: When the Lord returns in the last days, He will speak again. In the matter of welcoming the coming of the Lord, if we don't depart from the Bible and seek what the Spirit says to the churches, will we be able to welcome the Lord?

Thursday, July 19, 2018

How Should We Welcome the Lord When He Knocks on the Door?

Xiao Fei

After believing in the Lord, brothers and sisters all like singing the song “The Beloved Is Urgently Knocking on the Door Outside”: “The Beloved is urgently knocking on the door outside. His locks are filled with the drops of the night dew. Come on, get up to open the door for Him; don’t let our beloved walk away. …” Every time we sing it, we are very moved inside, and it has a great impact on us. We all want to keep the beloved, and be the first one to hear His voice and welcome Him when He knocks on our door. It can be said that, we believers in the Lord are all longing for it. But what does it mean that the Lord knocks on the door? And how should we welcome Him when He knocks on our door?

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Why Is It Said That the Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word?

Why Is It Said That the Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word?

Classic Words of God:
In the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to usher in a new age, to change the means of His work, and to do the work for the entire age. This is the principle by which God works in the Age of Word. He became flesh to speak from different perspectives, enabling man to truly see God, who is the Word appearing in the flesh, and His wisdom and wonder. Such work is done to better achieve the goals of conquering man, perfecting man, and eliminating man. This is the true meaning of using the word to work in the Age of Word. Through the word, man comes to know the work of God, the disposition of God, the essence of man, and what man ought to enter into. Through the word, all the work God wishes to do in the Age of Word is accomplished. Through the word, man is revealed, eliminated, and tried. Man has seen the word, heard the word, and become aware of the existence of the word. As a result, man believes in the existence of God; man believes the almightiness and wisdom of God, as well as God’s heart of love for man and His desire to save man. Though the word “word” is simple and ordinary, the word from the mouth of God become flesh shakes the entire universe; His word transforms the heart of man, the notions and the old disposition of man, and the old appearance of the entire world. Through the ages, only the God of this day works in such a manner, and only He speaks and saves man thus. Thereafter, man lives under the guidance of the word, shepherded and supplied by the word; they live in the world of the word, live within the curses and blessings of God’s word, and even more live under the judgment and chastisement of the word. These words and this work are all for the sake of man’s salvation, achieving God’s will, and changing the original appearance of the world of old creation. God created the world with the word, leads men throughout the universe with the word, conquers and saves them with the word. Finally, He shall use the word to bring the entire world of old to an end. Only then is the management plan wholly complete. Throughout the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to do His work and achieve the results of His work; He does not work wonders or perform miracles; He merely does His work through the word.

Friday, June 8, 2018

The Necessary Knowledge of God’s Work in the Age of Grace

The Necessary Knowledge of God’s Work in the Age of Grace

Lord Jesus | love of God

Monday, June 4, 2018

Why Did God Work in Israel in the Age of Law?

Why Did God Work in Israel in the Age of Law?

Jehovah | plan of salvation | The Church of Almighty God
The work that Jehovah did in the Israelites established among humanity God’s earthly place of origin, His sacred place where He was present. He confined His work to the Israelite people. At first, He did not work outside of Israel; instead, He chose a people He found suitable in order to restrict the scope of His work. Israel is the place where God created Adam and Eve, and out of the dust of that place Jehovah made man; it is the base of His work on earth. The Israelites, who are the descendants of Noah and of Adam, were the foundation of Jehovah’s work on earth.

Disclose the Mystery of Kingdom of Heaven | "Awakening From the Dream" (Gospel Movie Trailer)

Disclose the Mystery of Kingdom of Heaven | "Awakening From the Dream" ( Gospel Movie Trailer) Yu Fan is just like ...